Yes, you heard right, you can start making incredible passive income when you make calls, browse the internet, load your satellite TV, load your nepa prepaid meter and then encourage same with your friends and associates.
........but it may be the 30mins that will change your life for good
Permit me to take a little bit of your time, this will not take you more than 30mins to read but it may be the 30mins that will change your life for good. Why you may ask?.. Because you are about to join the league of people who are making money while they are sleeping which is money on passive way.
This ability is made possible by a company who want everyone of us who is interested in making insane and unlimited flow of money passively from the calls, browsing the net, satellite tv and meter recharging we are already doing and using since without making a dime on it.
Let me give you a little background......
Banks now-a-days want us to subscribe to all the above mentioned activities from their platform. You know why?.... Its because there is commission being received by the banks anytime you or me subscribe to any of these activities.
Another Gist............
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) inform us that over 93 millionsof Nigerians are on internet, while 153 million sims are active with monthly spending on calls and data exceeding 300 Billion Naira . This is a very huge opportunity for me and you to start profiting from.
So a Nigerian company is providing Nigerians a platform to leverage on making money from these activities we have been doing already and also make more when ever we encourage close associates to use the platform.
.........Nigerian spend up to 300B Naira Monthly according to NCC
.........Nigerian spend up to 300B Naira Monthly according to NCC
This is why I am inviting you to join me so that we can together make money while we are sleeping.
If you join this company, you will make money in the following ways,

- Money Make From RegisteringThe company will reward you when ever you encourage people to register with the company. A minimum of N1,000 and up to N10,000 which is 20% on the registered package of N5,000 to N50,000. The registration packages with bonuses is as follow.
Basic N5,000 you receive N1,000
Bronze N10,000 you receive N2,000
Silver N20,000 you receive N4,000
Gold N30,000 you receive N6,000
Diamond N40,000 you receive N8,000
Platinum N50,000 you receive N10,000
Also you will earn money from the people those you have registered also registered from the 1st level to the 10th level
Earning Potential of Both Direct/indirect commission for Basic members
Level No of people Amount paid Total Earned
1 5 N1,000 N5,000
2 25 N500 N12,500
3 125 N250 N31,250
4 625 N125 N78,125
5 3,125 N62.5 N195,312
6 15,625 N50 N781,250
7 78,125 N50 N3,906,250
8 390,625 N50 N19,531,250
Total N24,540,892
When you registered 5 people, and the 5 people also registered 5 people up to the 10th level, the above table show how your earnings will be on each level and what the total will be.
This is a one time payment but you make money as your network continue to grow whether you registered them or any of your network register them and as your network continue to upgrade.
- Leadership RewardWhen ever anyone registered under you, the company will alot a point value (PV)PV is as follow
Basic N5,000 you receive 20PV
Bronze N10,000 you receive 40PV
Silver N20,000 you receive 80PV
Gold N30,000 you receive 120PV
Diamond N40,000 you receive 160PV
Platinum N50,000 you receive 200PV
Any month you accumulate 10,000PV, you are rewarded with N100,000
- Travel Reward
When you accumulate 25,000PV , you will be given N500,000 for travel.
- Car Reward
When you accumulate 60,000PV, you will be given N2,000,000 for your car
- Home Reward
When you accumulate up to 120,000PV, you will be given N3,000,000 for your House
Do you see why I said it is insane money making venture.
Is it not time for me and you to start benefiting from this as quick as possible.
If this resonate with you and its for you, proceed to join me now.
And lets' start our journey to our Final Financial Freedom
And lets' start our journey to our Final Financial Freedom
How Do I Get Started
To get started, you will need to do 3 things
- Register as a distributor with the company
- Use the service
- Recommend the company to you associates, friends and colleagues.
(1) Complete the registration form as required.
(2) Proceed to the bank to make payment of the package of your choice into the company's account.
(3) After payment send sms as in the format below to the company phone numbers on the website.
Please kindly confirm and activate (your username )
Amount paid: (put the amount of the package you paid for)
Bank. ( check the contact us section of the site for the company's banks)
Teller no: or ( Internet transfer if you paid online)
Date: 20-09-17
Depositor: your name
(4) Then come back to the site and login with the details of your Username and password.
You will be taken to a page where you will fill in your payment details. Complete it and your account will be activated.
You can then login into your back office and start sharing your links,
Why This Is Very Cool Business
- You can do it from any smart phone, tablet and Laptop
- The product involve is widely use by almost everybody
- It is a very lucrative side income
- You make a passive income when your network become large
- It's for any and every person of the society.
PS: For any assistance, kindly contact me on 08035753031 and also on whatsapp.
PPS: Please send me your email,phone number and Username use in registration when ever you register with my team EWEALTH for my special gift to you in showing appreciation and saying thanks for joining my team. Among the gift is a manual that show you how to start and grow your business massively online.
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