There is nothing  like the word i was born to sell but people become passionate about who they want to become in real life. You can become anything you want to be provided you have got the internal drive and that begins with you.

Below are  keys to help you become a top notch  sales person;


A great salesperson networks with other people within their industry.What this entails is that  you attend social gatherings where people with like minds meet to discuss business and how to make it right.  It's vital you also network with people in your line of competence such as associations,institute, clubs and the likes who have experienced in  what you do and i know you are sure on your way to the top.

2.Get a Mentor

Nobody grows beyond himself.We need other people to guide us in becoming who we want to become and as we are guided, our mind is configured  to become more ion what we do. As a sales person, a mentor will tell you what to do and where to go and how they did it  to close up deals.

3.Be Goal Oriented

Have goals you want to achieve per day, week, month and year clearly spelled  out. You can write it in a book, that captures where you want to go, whom you want to meet, sales you need to close, contacts you need  for the week and guess what?  You are on your way to becoming a super sales person.

4.Know your Products In and Out

To sell, you need to first know the products and services you offer to client.That should be one of  your agenda within the first 30 days of your employment.You should be  learn it.People only buy from those who are confident about what they sell and demonstrate competence in it.

Expect questions like : why should i buy from you?

Why is your product different? and lots of  hot  questions and prepare answers for them before leaving.

5.  Don't just start  a business discussion,  close it!!

Most amateur will start a business and  not close it and that's the beginning of the fall of most salesperson. No business managers  want to hear that the  business is in the pipeline for such a long time..As  a sales person, once you initiate a deal,  have the same courage to follow it up to finish  and that takes a lot of  determination.

6.Last of all,  get to learn about the people who need your product  or services and go  for them. don't  waste your time on people who  won't  buy as you have a target ahead of you and as such, know them and offer your services to them..

You can always reach out to me via my email should there be need to at or via my mobile number at 08136184421 for a chat.. I will be available to guide you.

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